Benefits of Probiotic Cream

Now, these bacteria, which we take into our body with some foods, strengthen our immune system and make our body resistant to diseases and microbes. It is known that probiotics also protect our body against cancer, and over time, our intestinal flora deteriorates and probiotic bacteria decrease due to the use of antibiotics and our bad eating habits. For this reason, it is useful to know that foods such as kefir, boza, yogurt, pickles, tarhana and turnip juice, which are the best sources of probiotics, should be consumed in abundance. In recent years, probiotics have come to the fore with their well-known benefits as well as their effects on skin health. probiotic Skin care products that contain skin care products and protect the skin flora are among the rising trends and we are actually adding a new one to the consumption frenzy, but anyway, now..

Benefits of Probiotic Cream

Probiotic -containing products reduce the acne-causing effect of acne-causing bacteria on the skin and at the same time regulate oil secretion. In the treatment of eczema, probiotic or supportive creams are used. Creams with probiotic content prevent the formation of eczema by strengthening the flora of the upper protective layer of the skin. It even reduces wrinkles with regular use. In scientific studies, it has been observed that women who regularly consume probiotic foods for three months have reduced wrinkles and increased moisture content in the skin. air pollution, smoking The skin flora, which is deteriorated as a result of sun rays and the use of cleansers that are not suitable for the skin structure, can be repaired with probiotic-containing creams. With the help of these products, aging caused by environmental reasons is prevented and the production of collagen and elastin is supported.

Some products of brands such as Lancome, Vichy, Darphin, Clinique, Biotherm, Dermoskin contain probiotics and there are many visible differences and problem-oriented improvements. If you have sensitive skin, we can accelerate the repair process of damaged skin with probiotics that have the ability to rebuild and strengthen the skin.

Who knows, maybe probiotics will replace antibiotics in acne treatment in the future. Wouldn't it make more sense to feed the beneficial bacteria rather than killing all the bacteria on the skin and disrupting the balance of the protective microflora?


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