5 Fun and Unusual Margaritas

There’s no better excuse to drink, than a holiday! In honor of National Margarita day on Sunday, February 22, I decided to host small margarita mixer. I’m tired of drinking the same classic margarita on the rocks, overwhelmed by the strong taste of tequila. It is because of this I was inspired to test and try five unique margaritas that incorporate fruits, veggies and a variety of other ingredients. I asked everyone at my mixer to rate each margarita on a scale of 1-5 based on how much they enjoyed it.

Four things are necessary for planning an event like this: one, glassware. Bed Bath and Beyond had some great glasses (with a twist!) Two, a blender. Three, ingredients (don’t forget the tequila!). Four, some good friends. source: 5  Fun and Unusual Margaritas

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1. The Fruity One: Pineapple & Honey

The Pineapple and Honey marg was surprisingly the best one in the bunch. Feel free to add extra tequila in this one, because the dominating taste is pineapple. The honey we used wasn’t very sweet which helped when dealing with the sweetness of the pineapple. The honey and pineapple flavors complimented each other very nicely. The thickness of the pineapple created a creamy and smooth consistency which we lacked in our other drinks. This tropical drink goes perfect with an umbrella in the cup and feet in the sand!

Overall Rating: 4.5

2. The Healthy One: Kale

A kale margarita doesn’t sound particularly appealing but we had to try it! With this marg, you could clearly taste the different layers of the kale juice, starting with a ginger flavor then hitting a grassy note and ending with the agave and tequila flavor. No single flavor is too overpowering in this veggie marg. The kale marg is a great guilt free way to enjoy your alcohol and get your daily veggie intake. I found it to be quite refreshing, perfect for a spa day at home – healthy and refreshing!

Overall Rating: 3.3

3. The Classy One: Cucumber Cilantro

I was most excited to make the cucumber cilantr margarita. It reminded me of a margarita mojito! The idea of something light and calming sounded perfect for a cool casual drink. The cilantro increased the potency of the drink, making it almost too overpowering. The cucumber went fairy unnoticed. I think adding a jalapeño could’ve really changed up the flavor and spiced things up a bit. This is a great drink to add to your Sunday brunch.

TIP: Make sure to strain the cilantro prior to consuming your drink!

Overall Rating: 3.3

4. The Sassy One: Tequila Sunrise

Tequila Sunrise’s are a classic tequila based drink, typically easy to make and strong. The margarita version was very similar in taste, the only difference really being the consistency and addition of lime juice. I found it to be more tart and more sweet than a normal tequila sunset. This drink is definitely a great way to start and end any night of partying – from sunrise, to sunset!

Overall Rating: 3.5

5. The Fun One: Avocado

The avocado margarita started out as a great idea. I found a paleo recipe for all you health conscious folks and decided to give it a try. This drink was fun to make! We had no idea what to expect from this recipe after adding a cup of lime juice. The lime juice made the marg really tart, which was a bit much at first, but the more we drank, the more we liked it! Similarly to the kale drink, the avocado margarita was easy to drink and left a fresh feeling in your mouth after every sip. This one is ideal for a hot summer day!

Overall Rating: 3.6

Having a margarita party is not only fun, but works great as an icebreaker activity. We didn’t follow the recipes to their exact measurements, but improvised a bit which made creating our own concoctions all the more fun. So, grab some friends this weekend and experiment a little.

Cheers, to National Margarita Day!
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