Leipzig is city located in Eastern Germany and largest in the federal state of Saxony. The city is one of the richest in history and importance during the years, which formed its modern vision. Leipzig has population of 500,000 citizens and has thousands of historical objects and museums, which attract thousands of visitors every year.

The city is located on picturesque region
on the confluence of the Pleisse, White Elster, and Parthe rivers at the southerly end of the North German Plain. This form fascinating nature views and wonderful landscapes. The city of Leipzig is one of the largest in Eastern Germany and most important for a few decades during the Cold War.
However the nature is not the major reason
to visit this city, as its rich culture and history are much more interesting. Leipzig is the place of birth and home of the world well-known composer Richard Wagner and a few more famous musicians, philosophers and journalists. This forms the culture importance of the city on the European map and definitely makes it one of the most attractive destinations for the travelers. Some of the top sightseeing attractions in Leipzig are the Thomaskirche, Nikolaikirche, Gewandhaus, City-Hochhaus Leipzig, the Botanical Garden, Battle of the Nations Monument and many more. All these attractions are hardly linked to the city and its rich history.