The Vacuum Cleaner That Makes Cleaning 4 Times More Efficient With Its Double Brush: Redroad V17

 Launched by the technology company Redroad, the vertical wireless vacuum named Redroad V17 makes cleaning 4 times more efficient with 1 hour of uninterrupted cleaning and a pair of brushes rotating towards each other. With the V17 you can do a better job than ever before while reducing cleaning time.

We are constantly rushing somewhere during the day. When we go to pick up the children from school, on the way home from work, to catch up with work… Sometimes we can't even take care of ourselves in this rush. Because while we are constantly catching up, we are also late for some things. For example , house cleaning . Cleaning in intensity is often thrown into the background. Now, we will talk about a vacuum cleaner that is 4 times more efficient than traditional vacuum cleaners and minimizes the cleaning time. 

Redroad , one of the popular technology companies of recent times , has focused on vertical robot vacuums for a while. The flagship vacuum cleaner model of the company, which has various models, is called V17. The vacuum cleaner, which shortens the cleaning time thanks to its features, seems to be able to attract the attention of many consumers. So what does Redroad V17 offer to the consumer?

Here comes the Redroad V17 vertical vacuum cleaner

Redroad V17 vertical vacuum cleaner has a battery with a capacity of 2,500 mAh. This battery allows uninterrupted cleaning for 1 hour. Considering that the sweeping job of an average house will take at most 1 hour, we can say that this battery puts the Redroad V17 ahead of its competitors. But that's not the main life-saving feature of this upright vacuum.

The Redroad V17 has a twin roller brush. These brushes rotate towards each other and clean the area you are sweeping four times faster. Thus, you do not need to vacuum and clean the same place over and over. Moreover , the use of double brushes , contrary to the usual, naturally increases the size of the cleaned area. In other words, larger areas can be easily cleaned at once with the Redroad V17. The 155AW suction power value of the vacuum supports all this efficiency.

What Redroad engineers do to make things easier is not high suction power and a double brush system. So much so that the head of the V17 can rotate 360 ​​degrees. Thus, while cleaning, you do not manage the broom, but you manage the broom.

If you want to complete the cleaning work more efficiently with less fatigue , you can buy the Redroad V17 by clicking here .

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