What is Dull? How to Intervention?

 One of the serious problems of those in nature in cold, wet environments and in high, mountainous areas in winter is frostbite. Called Extremities hands, feet and nose, body endpoint, such as ear as a result can not be isolated enough from the cold around here the end of the shrinking circulation of blood vessels and tissue loss occurs to dull (Frostbite) is called. It is a situation that can always occur in the cold if treated carelessly, but can be prevented with a little foresight and experience.

The dullness that starts with numbness and 'wooding' feeling in the extremities becomes impossible if you do not intervene and cover the cold area with insulated clothes at these moments. A body part that has become numb, very cold, but not yet truly frozen, will open with a burning sensation and pain when heated. At this point, frostbite has not yet formed and the point of no return has not been reached.

If the intervention is late and dull, there is a feeling of peaceful numbness at first. Dull limbs are waxy white in color and consistency. In this case, the intervention should only be done in a place (preferably in the hospital) where the injured person will not be cold again. Heating is usually done by exposing the frozen limb in warm water so as not to burn the elbow.

How is Frozen Intervention Made?

When the frozen limb is heated, very painful, possibly purple-black-greenish blood-collecting, ugly-looking bullae will appear, which should never be deliberately burst; otherwise the risk of infection is very high. If the blisters burst, it is important to minimize the contact of the clean dressing with the external environment. An injured person in this condition will completely lose the mobility of their frozen limb. What needs to be done in a frozen state is to urgently return to civilization and medical care.

It is not always possible for those in nature to understand and intervene before they become frozen, and sometimes it is not possible to intervene in time due to severe conditions. The injured person with frostbite should be taken to a warm and windless environment (such as inside the tent), never be moved in a way that will cause excessive blood circulation, plenty of hot and mineral liquids should be given, and morale should be kept high. Re-exposure of the frozen place to cold should be prevented under any circumstances. If there is pain, painkillers can be given to the injured person, but in severe frostbite the nerve endings are destroyed, so the pain is sometimes absent.

With a little attention and preparation, the problem of dullness can be minimized or prevented. First of all, it is important to carry and consciously use the appropriate equipment required in winter nature. Thick gloves (with spares), suitable winter shoes and leggings, inner and outer clothes that prevent getting wet, block the wind and do not absorb water should be used. It is vital that the clothes and shoe system are layered, loose and loose enough not to interfere with the blood circulation in the body. Intake of plenty and hot fluids and calorie foods in the mountains can cause dull and hypothermia.It is vital to prevent Every numbness and coldness in the hands and feet should be checked in the cold. Sometimes only visual or manual inspection provides the required definition. Wetting and contact with cold objects should be avoided as much as possible, clothes on the extremities such as wet socks and wet gloves should be changed with dry ones as much as possible.

Actions that should never be done when frozen include rubbing the frozen limb with snow, exposing it directly to a very hot heat source (such as a stove or fire), and hastily thawing and opening the frostbite. All these wrong movements will cause severe tissue loss and possibly even cause loss of limb.

Dull Rating

  • Normal skin condition
  • Cold Bite: There is a feeling of coldness, pricking and numbness. It does not cause permanent damage to the skin, it can be treated with first aid measures.
  • Superficial Freezing: When the frozen area is reheated, water bubbles (bules) may appear in this area within 24 to 36 hours.
  • Deep Freezing: Large water bubbles appear, tissues die, become black and hard. Exposed extremities may be lost.
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