Face and Hand (Skin) Irritation and Sunburn in Nature in Winter

 In winter, in cold environments, the skin of those in nature exposed to these effects is damaged because the air is extremely dry, cold and the sun's radiation is very intense. The cold altitude hides the burning effects of the sun. Especially due to today's 'ozone hole' problem, there is a possibility that hand and face burns may become skin cancer in the future due to excessive solar radiation. This is an issue that requires the utmost attention and care, and painful and damaging situations can occur at the beginning, when only a minor problem is encountered.

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The exposed face and hands are the most damaged places in nature. In winter, even if there is no snow on the ground, solar radiation cannot be filtered sufficiently, especially at high altitudes, due to the thinness of the atmosphere layer. For this reason, sunscreens with a strong protective effect should be applied to the hands and faces to protect them from ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) rays that are harmful to the skin and possibly carcinogenic.

If there is snow cover, the intensity of the said radiation will increase even more. It is necessary to avoid deliberately staying in the sun and burning bare skin.

It should be preferred that the sunscreen used is of a type whose effect does not decrease with water and perspiration, and that it has a protection factor of at least 20 (20 SPF). It is not enough to apply the protective sunscreen once during the climb, it would be correct to reapply at least a few times during the day. For this, the cream is always at hand, in a close pocket, etc. should be kept.

Forehead, nose, cheeks and nape are especially hot spots. The use of a sunglasses nose cap for the nose is the most effective protection, but it is still not completely sufficient. It is also very important to use 'Legionnaires Model' or 'Cabbage Hat' style sun hats that cover the neck to protect from the sun.

The lips and nostrils are among the sensitive skin areas that are most damaged and cracked by the sun and dry frost. Cover your lips with special creams with a protection factor of at least 20 during the day, and treat them with a nourishing, cell-repairing cream at night, in order not to fall into painful situations where it may be impossible to even eat if their protection is neglected. For this, it is necessary to use burn ointments.

Burn Rating

First Degree Burns: It is the type in which only the superficial skin is damaged and is characterized by redness and mild pain on the skin. Sunburn is a good example of this type. It can heal on its own in a short time.

Second Degree Burns: These are mostly burns caused by scalding with hot water, contact with a flame or a hot object. In addition to redness on the skin, water vesicles are seen. They are very painful, inflammatory burns.

Third Degree Burns: It is the type of burn in which all skin layers are affected. Since the nerve endings are also destroyed, the pain is less. There is a color change such as pearl gray-brown. The skin is dry and wrinkled. It takes a long time to heal and scars remain.

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