Cooking in nature, food, practice, food containers, appliances

Cooking in nature,Practical Meals in Nature,Nature Cooking Appliances,Choosing Food Containers in nature, Meaty and Juicy Dishes,Washing Dishes in Nature

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Practical Meals in Nature 

As we move on to cooking, which is the application of all that you have learned in our previous topics, we can list the suggestions you should pay attention to for all meals as follows.

  • Be confident and focus on cooking. Cooking is a job in itself. While cooking, stay away from other tasks as much as possible.
  • Take out as much material as you can eat and use it in food.
  • When you are very hungry, eat a little snack before you start cooking, as you will cook more than you need.
  • While cooking in nature, cook less and combined meals as you will not have the opportunities in the home environment. E.g; Instead of making pasta and minced meat separately, mix them in a single bowl.
  • Be very careful when adding salt to the food, make it less salty if necessary, add it after it is cooked according to your taste.
  • Remove as few dishes as possible.
  • Do not burn fat while melting and heating it.
  • If you are cooking on the stove while cooking, start at the normal fire setting, reduce the fire close to cooking. If you are cooking over the fire, try to cook it over the fire that has reached the state of embers.
  • As soon as the food is cooked, allow the food to cool down to edible temperature. During this waiting process, the food will rest and become more delicious.


The easiest and healthiest food you can make in nature is soup. Most of the time, it may not be satisfying on its own, but you can make soups at every meal, which can meet your fluid intake and energy needs at the same time. While making soup, you can make dried instant soups by boiling them with water, as well as tarhana, vermicelli etc. that you take with you. You can also turn dried foods into soup.

Noodle soup:
 first melt or heat the oil, then add the noodles according to the number of people and fry the noodles until lightly browned. Add tomato paste or tomato sauce to the roasted noodles and fry a little more. If you have hot water that you have prepared before, add it, if not, add cold water and wait for it to boil. At this stage, you can add spices to the soup. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat and boil it for a while to cook. When the noodles are soft, take them on the fire and wait 15-20 minutes to rest and cool. You can add lemon or lemon salt to the soup while drinking it.

Pasta and Rice

Pasta, rice and bulgur are among the most consumed foods in nature because of their easy portability and long-term storage. Since they contain high carbohydrates, they quickly turn into energy and provide the energy our body needs. The digestion of pasta and rice can also be easily provided by the digestive system.
Bulgur Pilaf: First melt or heat the oil, then add bulgur according to the number of people and mix it with oil. If you have hot water that you have prepared before, add it, if not, add cold water and wait for it to boil. When it starts to boil, add salt and spices and reduce the heat, boil for a while to infuse. When the bulgur drains, wait 15-20 minutes for it to rest and cool. The amount of water you add to make pilaf should be twice that of bulgur. According to your request, your rice; tomato, sausage, chicken, mushroom etc. You can enrich it.

Meaty and Juicy Dishes

Meat is the most important source of protein, which is the body's basic need. Especially the proteins that muscles need will make us fitter and healthier. When going to nature, it is necessary to transport the meat as dried or roasted instead of transporting it raw. You may not carry packaged roasts, bacon or sausage instead of chicken, ground beef and piece of meat. The roast, bacon or sausage that you carry with you can be eaten uncooked when you have a time problem. If you prefer to eat meat in nature, it is easier to prepare, nutritious and more delicious.

Cooking in nature 

Basic nutrition information , fire , short -amp making and stoves information we learn about the most important issues that we can go to cook in the light. We can list the points that we should pay attention to while preparing the meals we will make in nature as follows.
  • We should bring food with high nutritional value and low weight to nature.
  • We should prefer unpackaged or lightly packaged products. Because we will carry back the garbage of the food we take with us, glass etc. Packaged products will be a problem.
  • We should bring dried and vacuumed food.
  • We must be very careful if we obtain the food we will eat from nature. You should not eat anything that you are not sure of its edibility. In particular, some poisonous mushrooms and plants can be deadly.
  • You should choose the foods you prepare that are easy to digest.
  • You should add enough salt and spices to the food. These will ensure the electrolyte balance of our body.
  • You should try not to litter as much as possible.
  • You have to be careful not to overeat and make enough food for yourself. The excess food you pour around the campsite can be dangerous as it will call wild animals.
  • Eating overcooked food by storing and reheating can cause food poisoning.
While preparing food in nature , we should give priority to the dishes that contain liquid. Soup, stew, etc. The food prepared by boiling in water will be easy to digest. In addition, watery meals will meet your fluid loss. One of the things we need to pay attention to while preparing this type of food is not to burn the bottom of the bowl we cook by exposing the food to high fire. For this, you have to mix it at certain intervals.

If we list the dishes that you can make in nature, the first of them is soup, pasta, bulgur, rice, stewed meat, minced meat, etc. There are dishes that need to be cooked. In addition to these, canned, sausage, roasted and so on. They are foods that you can turn into food simply by heating. You can eat some foods directly without cooking or heating. Examples of these are cheese, olives, honey, dried fruits, chocolate, etc. they are food.

Washing Dishes in Nature

You should wash the dishes right after the meal in order to wash your dishes and make them ready for reuse. Washing dishes in nature differs from our urban life. First of all, the most important thing we need to pay attention to is to infect as few containers as possible. Sometimes you can cook using only one spoon and pot.

If possible, we should not use detergents while washing the containers. Although this sounds anti-hygienic, it is not. Considering the detergent residues that we will leave to the nature and the chemical wastes that may remain in our containers, we can say that a cleaning without using detergent can be healthier.

Before you start washing the dishes, scrape the bottoms of the dishes well, and complete the cleaning by choosing the most suitable washing technique for your environment.

We can list the things you can use for dishwashing in nature as follows:
  • If you have a dish sponge, you can rub and shake the dishes using a little hot water.
  • If you are by the creek, you can scrub the containers using grass and soil.
  • You can just rinse it with a little hot water after wiping it with a napkin.
  • If you see it as a necessity to use detergents, you can first choose detergents made from natural raw materials.
  • You can also wash dishes with normal detergent if the place you are in is a camping area and there is a waste water discharge facility.

Nature Cooking Appliances

We will now use the fire-making techniques you learned from our previous articles for cooking. You will learn how to prepare food using our cooking utensils over the fire we have lit. The things we need to pay attention to for the fire we will light for cooking;
  • If there are special sections made for making a fire, you should use these first.
  • If there is a floor that has been fired before, you should use the same floor. Lighting fires in new places will cause more damage to nature.
  • If you are in a place where there has never been a fire before and where there is no fire part, you should thoroughly examine the ground. Where you will light the fire, anthill, etc. There should be no animal nests. You should choose places where there are no plants on the ground as much as possible.
  • You should stay away from the trunks of trees and near dry grass. Otherwise, you may cause errors that cannot be corrected.

Fire Mounts

The most important factor that we should pay attention to while making the mechanisms that you can easily install in the nature, especially in the areas where the trees are abundant, is to adjust the distance of the fire and the mechanism well. In other words, it is very important that the mechanism on which we hang the dinner set is at a distance that will not be affected by the fire. Otherwise, the device will burn and our food will be poured into the fire. It will be healthier to set up the device after lighting the fire and turning it into embers before installing the over-fire device. When installing fire top devices, you should make sure that their feet are well fixed. You can prevent it from being affected by the heat by placing stones around the wooden feet that are close to the fire. This will also strengthen the legs of the assembly. In addition, if you choose the thick and wet woods that we will use in fire top mechanisms, you will have a stronger mechanism.


You can use the quarries we make using stone in two ways. The first way to use it is to surround the fire with stones and you can cook by positioning our food containers on the fire with the help of stones.

The other method is to cook under a rock that we can find in nature by lighting a fire on the heated stone without the need for any container. The meals you cook on the stone will be healthy and delicious as they are not exposed to direct fire. In addition, since you do not use a container, it will not come out in the dishes. However, it may not always be possible to find fire-resistant raft stones in nature.

Stoves have become a necessity for travelers wandering around the grounds, as many campsites lack firewood and many of them ban natural wood fires. Quarries cause the least damage to nature and can be used under different conditions.

These furnaces vary according to the type of fuel they burn, the altitude and terrain they are used at. When choosing modern stoves, you should plan your time in nature very well. Because it is impossible for us to obtain the fuel of such furnaces from nature. It is recommended that you take one-fourth of the fuel you expect to use with you.

Choosing Food Containers in nature

You can make the food sets we need for cooking in nature, or you can use ready-made cooking sets. Let's take a look at how you can make these containers you need for cooking or the ones you can find ready-made.

Making Clay Pots

Clay: It is a soft and oily soil type that becomes a plastic paste when wetted with water, can be easily shaped, used in various fields.

  • Make a circle of clay and make sure it is thicker than the edge you will make. Thus, the pot will be more stable and balanced.
  • Make the sides of the pot by making circles with the sticks we made from clay.
  • Straighten the top bar with your thumb when you reach the desired height.
  • Smooth the edges with water. When the pot dries, place it in the fire to harden well and cook.


It is a food bowl used as a cup and soup bowl, usually made by carving and processing boxwood or birch. This tool, which has been used in Finland for centuries, has become a widely used and available material in recent years.

Wooden spoon

It is a natural material used for cooking and eating, which is also carved from wood. Handmade spoons are usually made of komar wood, elm and hornbeam wood.

The wood, which is the raw material for making spoons, is cut into two spoons. The tree is shaped like a spoon.

Cooking Sets

Apart from making the food containers we need for cooking from clay, you can also get them ready-made. These products, which are produced in a lighter and smaller size than the pots and teapot sets you use at home, which we can use in nature, are generally made of lightweight aluminum. It is also possible to find these sets made of titanium. These sets are usually produced in such a way that they can be nested. There are no separate handles for each of them to facilitate portability. Instead, a handle has been produced that can fit all of them. These sets, which will be exposed to fire while heating water and cooking, should never be touched directly by hand when hot. Otherwise, they may cause burns that may take a long time to heal. If you have a handle, you should do it with it,

After each use, we should clean and store these containers so that you can prevent the food residues that may remain in them from producing bacteria. If you are in an environment with water while cleaning these sets, you can use water, soil and grass. In cases where there is no or limited water, you can wipe the inner surfaces with the help of a napkin or a piece of cloth. When we expose these sets to high fire directly, you may cause the food we prepared to burn. To prevent this, you should prepare mechanisms that we will remove from high fire.
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